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Cleaning Cloth Diapers. All you need to know! :) – Super-comfy. Super-lovable. Super-dry.

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SELECT option_type, option_value FROM ec_pageoption WHERE post_id = 830

U.S. ORDERS: $10 Any-Size (3-7 days)
INTERNATIONAL ORDERS: $20 Any-Size (3-8 days)

Cleaning Cloth Diapers. All you need to know! :)

Cleaning Cloth Diapers. All you need to know! :)

We all know that the first thing everybody wonders when they start contemplating cloth diapers OR if you tell them that you use cloth diapers is “What to do with the Poop?”. It’s simply expected that this would be one of the first concerns about cloth diapers – I mean, who really wants to talk about poop or think about even touching it to clean the diapers or wondering if the poop will be in your washing machine where you’ll put your other clothes to be washed.

So first off~ to store dirty, used cloth diapers until washing we recommend having a bucket and filling 2/3 of the way full with warm water and a few teaspoons of your chosen laundry detergent. This can sit up to two days and then a wash is recommended. Diapers with pee simply drop into the bucket. Diapers with poop need to be completely free of poop prior to putting into the bucket. Hold the diaper by the back elastic (never touching any waste) and with a diaper sprayer spray the poop off and into the toilet. It’s that simple! This cleans the diaper. Then, drop into bucket. Once a bucket seems full sit it next to the washer and use a new bucket. You’ll never have nasty smells from dirty diapers sitting around your house. The truth is cloth diapering is really easier than disposables. The best part is that they’re environmentally friendly, natural, babies cloth diapered potty train sooner, & they’ll save you so much money!

When you’re ready to wash put on rubber cleaning gloves. Take each bucket and pour water into toilet. Next, re-fill water over diapers and pour out again. Then, put diapers into washing machine. Then, start your wash. No special laundry soaps are required. We do recommend detergents free of dies and perfumes. Today almost every brand has one~ like Sam’s, Tide, Dreft, All, Costco Brand, and so forth. These detergents are gentle against skin and non-irritating.

Let’s face it~ no one wants to wash their clothes in a washer if pee and poop’s left in the diapers. Another thing is to use several smaller waste-can size trash buckets to make it very easy. These can be purchased at a dollar store

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