WordPress database error: [Table 'm1hq45356833263.ec_shippingrate' doesn't exist]
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WordPress database error: [Table 'm1hq45356833263.ec_setting' doesn't exist]
SELECT shipping_method FROM ec_setting WHERE setting_id = 1

WordPress database error: [Table 'm1hq45356833263.ec_tempcart_optionitem' doesn't exist]
SELECT ec_tempcart_optionitem.*, ec_option_to_product.option_to_product_id, ec_option_to_product.option_order FROM ec_tempcart_optionitem LEFT JOIN ec_option_to_product ON ( ec_option_to_product.option_id = ec_tempcart_optionitem.option_id ) WHERE ec_tempcart_optionitem.session_id = 'not-set' GROUP BY ec_tempcart_optionitem.tempcart_optionitem_id ORDER BY ec_tempcart_optionitem.tempcart_optionitem_id ASC

WordPress database error: [Table 'm1hq45356833263.ec_tempcart' doesn't exist]
SELECT SUM(tempcart.quantity) as quantity, tempcart.product_id FROM ec_tempcart as tempcart WHERE tempcart.session_id = 'not-set' AND tempcart.session_id != '' AND tempcart.session_id != 'deleted' AND tempcart.session_id != 'not-set' GROUP BY tempcart.product_id

WordPress database error: [Table 'm1hq45356833263.ec_category' doesn't exist]
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WordPress database error: [Table 'm1hq45356833263.ec_country' doesn't exist]
SELECT * FROM ec_country WHERE ship_to_active = 1 ORDER BY ec_country.sort_order ASC

WordPress database error: [Table 'm1hq45356833263.ec_promocode' doesn't exist]
SELECT ec_promocode.*, IF( ec_promocode.expiration_date < NOW( ), 1, 0 ) as coupon_expired FROM ec_promocode

WordPress database error: [Table 'm1hq45356833263.ec_review' doesn't exist]
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WordPress database error: [Table 'm1hq45356833263.ec_manufacturer' doesn't exist]
SELECT * FROM ec_manufacturer ORDER BY ec_manufacturer.name ASC

WordPress database error: [Table 'm1hq45356833263.ec_menulevel1' doesn't exist]
SELECT menulevel1.name as menu1_name, menulevel1.menulevel1_id, menulevel1.post_id as menulevel1_post_id, menulevel1.menu_order as menulevel1_order, menulevel1.clicks as menulevel1_clicks, menulevel1.seo_keywords as menulevel1_seo_keywords, menulevel1.seo_description as menulevel1_seo_description, menulevel1.banner_image as menulevel1_banner_image, posts1.guid as menulevel1_guid, menulevel2.name as menu2_name, menulevel2.menulevel2_id, menulevel2.post_id as menulevel2_post_id, menulevel2.menu_order as menulevel2_order, menulevel2.clicks as menulevel2_clicks, menulevel2.seo_keywords as menulevel2_seo_keywords, menulevel2.seo_description as menulevel2_seo_description, menulevel2.banner_image as menulevel2_banner_image, posts2.guid as menulevel2_guid, menulevel3.name as menu3_name, menulevel3.menulevel3_id, menulevel3.post_id as menulevel3_post_id, menulevel3.menu_order as menulevel3_order, menulevel3.clicks as menulevel3_clicks, menulevel3.seo_keywords as menulevel3_seo_keywords, menulevel3.seo_description as menulevel3_seo_description, menulevel3.banner_image as menulevel3_banner_image, posts3.guid as menulevel3_guid FROM ec_menulevel1 as menulevel1 LEFT JOIN wp_xjjs48d8hd_posts as posts1 ON posts1.ID = menulevel1.post_id LEFT JOIN ec_menulevel2 as menulevel2 ON menulevel2.menulevel1_id = menulevel1.menulevel1_id LEFT JOIN wp_xjjs48d8hd_posts as posts2 ON posts2.ID = menulevel2.post_id LEFT JOIN ec_menulevel3 as menulevel3 ON menulevel3.menulevel2_id = menulevel2.menulevel2_id LEFT JOIN wp_xjjs48d8hd_posts as posts3 ON posts3.ID = menulevel3.post_id ORDER BY menulevel1.menu_order, menulevel1.menulevel1_id, menulevel2.menu_order, menulevel2.menulevel2_id, menulevel3.menu_order, menulevel3.menulevel3_id

WordPress database error: [Table 'm1hq45356833263.ec_perpage' doesn't exist]
SELECT * FROM ec_perpage ORDER BY perpage ASC

WordPress database error: [Table 'm1hq45356833263.ec_pricepoint' doesn't exist]
SELECT ec_pricepoint.* FROM ec_pricepoint ORDER BY ec_pricepoint.pricepoint_order ASC

WordPress database error: [Table 'm1hq45356833263.ec_pricetier' doesn't exist]
SELECT ec_pricetier.product_id, ec_pricetier.price, ec_pricetier.quantity FROM ec_pricetier ORDER BY ec_pricetier.quantity ASC

WordPress database error: [Table 'm1hq45356833263.ec_promotion' doesn't exist]
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WordPress database error: [Table 'm1hq45356833263.ec_roleprice' doesn't exist]
SELECT ec_roleprice.* FROM ec_roleprice, ec_user WHERE ec_user.user_id = 0 AND ec_user.user_level = ec_roleprice.role_label ORDER BY ec_roleprice.product_id ASC

WordPress database error: [Table 'm1hq45356833263.ec_setting' doesn't exist]
SELECT shipping_method, shipping_expedite_rate, shipping_handling_rate, ups_access_license_number, ups_user_id, ups_password, ups_ship_from_zip, ups_shipper_number, ups_country_code, ups_weight_type, ups_conversion_rate, ups_ship_from_state, ups_negotiated_rates, usps_user_name, usps_ship_from_zip, fedex_key, fedex_account_number, fedex_meter_number, fedex_password, fedex_ship_from_zip, fedex_weight_units, fedex_country_code, fedex_conversion_rate, fedex_test_account, auspost_api_key, auspost_ship_from_zip, dhl_site_id, dhl_password, dhl_ship_from_country, dhl_ship_from_zip, dhl_weight_unit, dhl_test_mode, fraktjakt_customer_id, fraktjakt_login_key, fraktjakt_conversion_rate, fraktjakt_test_mode, fraktjakt_address, fraktjakt_city, fraktjakt_state, fraktjakt_zip, fraktjakt_country, canadapost_username, canadapost_password, canadapost_customer_number, canadapost_contract_id, canadapost_test_mode, canadapost_ship_from_zip FROM ec_setting WHERE setting_id = 1

WordPress database error: [Table 'm1hq45356833263.ec_perpage' doesn't exist]
SELECT perpage.perpage FROM ec_perpage as perpage ORDER BY perpage.perpage ASC

WordPress database error: [Table 'm1hq45356833263.ec_user' doesn't exist]
SELECT ec_user.user_id, ec_user.first_name, ec_user.last_name, ec_user.vat_registration_number, ec_user.user_level, ec_user.default_billing_address_id, ec_user.default_shipping_address_id, ec_user.is_subscriber, ec_user.realauth_registered, ec_user.stripe_customer_id, ec_user.default_card_type, ec_user.default_card_last4, ec_user.exclude_tax, ec_user.exclude_shipping, ec_user.email_other, ec_role.role_id, billing.first_name as billing_first_name, billing.last_name as billing_last_name, billing.address_line_1 as billing_address_line_1, billing.address_line_2 as billing_address_line_2, billing.city as billing_city, billing.state as billing_state, billing.zip as billing_zip, billing.country as billing_country, billing.phone as billing_phone, billing.company_name as billing_company_name, shipping.first_name as shipping_first_name, shipping.last_name as shipping_last_name, shipping.address_line_1 as shipping_address_line_1, shipping.address_line_2 as shipping_address_line_2, shipping.city as shipping_city, shipping.state as shipping_state, shipping.zip as shipping_zip, shipping.country as shipping_country, shipping.phone as shipping_phone, shipping.company_name as shipping_company_name, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT CONCAT_WS('***', ec_customfield.field_name, ec_customfield.field_label, ec_customfielddata.data) ORDER BY ec_customfield.field_name ASC SEPARATOR '---') as customfield_data FROM ec_user LEFT JOIN ec_address as billing ON ( ec_user.default_billing_address_id = billing.address_id AND billing.user_id = ec_user.user_id ) LEFT JOIN ec_address as shipping ON ( ec_user.default_shipping_address_id = shipping.address_id AND shipping.user_id = ec_user.user_id ) LEFT JOIN ec_role ON ec_role.role_label = ec_user.user_level LEFT JOIN ec_customfield ON ec_customfield.table_name = 'ec_user' LEFT JOIN ec_customfielddata ON ec_customfielddata.customfield_id = ec_customfield.customfield_id AND ec_customfielddata.table_id = ec_user.user_id WHERE ec_user.user_id = '0' AND ec_user.email = '' GROUP BY ec_user.user_id

WordPress database error: [Table 'm1hq45356833263.ec_taxrate' doesn't exist]
SELECT ec_taxrate.vat_included FROM ec_taxrate WHERE ec_taxrate.vat_included = 1

WordPress database error: [Table 'm1hq45356833263.ec_taxrate' doesn't exist]
SELECT ec_taxrate.vat_added FROM ec_taxrate WHERE ec_taxrate.vat_added = 1

Uncategorized – Super-comfy. Super-lovable. Super-dry.

WordPress database error: [Table 'm1hq45356833263.ec_pageoption' doesn't exist]
SELECT option_type, option_value FROM ec_pageoption WHERE post_id = 2993

U.S. ORDERS: $10 Any-Size (3-7 days)
INTERNATIONAL ORDERS: $20 Any-Size (3-8 days)

Category: Uncategorized

Covers Explained!

We get a lot of questions on covers- So… lets explore them. Here are some of our most common questions: Can we stuff them with absorbent burp cloths and prefolds? Simply, the answer is yes. Some folding and adjusting is required at each diaper change; but it absolutely works! With covers, you use with your…
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Diaper Rash- What is it? And Remedies for Relief!

Diaper rash is a common form of inflamed skin (dermatitis) that appears as a patchwork of bright red skin on your baby’s bottom. Diaper rash is often related to wet or infrequently changed diapers and skin sensitivity. It usually affects babies, though anyone who wears a diaper regularly can develop the condition. Diaper rash can…
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Spring Savings

Cleaning Cloth Diapers. All you need to know! :)

We all know that the first thing everybody wonders when they start contemplating cloth diapers OR if you tell them that you use cloth diapers is “What to do with the Poop?”. It’s simply expected that this would be one of the first concerns about cloth diapers – I mean, who really wants to talk about poop…
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